"The person below me" game.
Haha, no. I shave at home.
TPBM is a natural genius.
Nothing natural about it. It took years of work and dedication. :bananaw:
TPBM has gotten, or given, a bj while driving.
No, for it may cause an accident.
TPBM is browsing internet in the bathroom.
I eat well: Plenty of fiber, so I'm in and out within two minutes. No time for browsing. ;D
TPBM often daydreams about….
About… stories, art and laws.
TPBM is pregnant. :hehe:
Nope – unless you mean with possibilities. ;D
TPBM often comments in the forums.
In the Chit Chat section usually.
TPBM likes roleplaying.
No way. I'm satisfied just being me.
TPBM has well-manicured feet/toenails.
My feet/toenails are natural!
TPBM has his hair cut last week!
I use common razors..
TPBM is busy this week.
Actually, no. I'm not sure what I'm doing this weekend. Perhaps studying for a kanji test?
TPBM talks to himself.
I do, it's quite the thrilling dialogue.
TPBM is dead.
…on the inside.
TBPM is a good kisser.
Not quite there, my tongue tends to freeze at certain angles.
TPBM has been in prison.
Nope. But I've had a few prison fantasies… ;D
TPBM owns more than one computer.
Aye, two.
TPBM is lying.
Nope. Sitting vertically.
TPBM is wearing yesterday's underwear.
That was my thought at the morning, but quickly disregarded it.
TPBM can't live without internet.
Internet? Naw, I'd have to look up from my phone but I'd eventually get used to the real world again.
TPBM is going on a date this weekend.
No, wish for. Got a load of work waiting for me this weekend.
TPBM goes on bicycle to work.