New User Here… I mostly enjoy UNSTAGED/WEBCAM type shows of dudes in DECENT SHAPE!!
Always looking for some good shows or Vids... if you have any suggestions let me know!!
And Thank You for WELCOMING me to the SITE in ADVANCE
:hiya: nice to see you here
my suggestion for the moment is to go easy on your downloading until you get a decent ratio. It doesn't take long especially if you can leave your torrents seeding
sychosteve (cute nickname)
Welcome to the Forum and hope you get along in here.
I'm also into webcam and amateur videos at the moment. Solo, Hunks and Amateurs will be the best places to find them. Enjoy :cheers:
thanks everyone for the advice… the DL ratio can be tough sometimes as I learned the hard way... it seems easier to get people do download from you if its a newer torrent as opposed to one that is an older one... unfortunately for me I downloaded some older ones first but I'm making my way back to the good zone!! ty all for the help and advice
**_Read this thread, it might help