Seeding/Upload ratio for a Friend
I have a question regarding seeding and Upload ratio.
A friend of mine lives in a place with 3rd world country internet connection, hence he cannot seed much or let alone upload to increase his ratio.
I was wondering if I could help him out by donating some of my upload ratio or if I can seed for him using his account? is that even possible or legal?Just wanna help a friend out
a) You can not gift upload to a friend.
b) If he has uploaded an own torrent and tells you which, you can say "Thank you" and give him some bonus points.
c) You can seed for your friend by using his passkey in your seeding torrents. This requires that your friend gives his personal secret passkey to you and therefore trusts you not to abuse it (e.g; for downloading on his account). This is something I'd not recommend.
d) Don't use (means login) ever his account to try to seed for him, that will look for the system like you having two accounts and result in a duplicate account warning.
C and D confuse me a little.
In paragraph C you said i can seed for him using his account login
Then in paragraph D you said i should never seed for him.Im confused.
Can i login his user name and password on my PC So my seeding will be credited to him?
No in c) I speak about the passkey in the tracker announce URL, not the username / password combo to log into his account.
He can find his tracker announce URL in his Profile, it looks like:
where "here_the_passkey" is a long series of numbers and letters.
If you edit in your torrent client the tracker announce URL (properties) to have his passkey instead of yours, your upload and dwonload will count towards his account.