Its safe to make sex with any body from street ?
its safe to make sex with any body from street ? or u should to know more details about who is this man which u want to make sex with him
That's a bit of a loaded question, really. The exact risk factors for transmission of HIV are largely dependant on a number of factors. The biggest of these factors being the viral load of the person with HIV. While it is true that the majority of cases within North America are individuals who are on the medications and as such, maintain an undetectable viral load, this does not account for the population as a whole. There is an alarming number of people out there who either refuse to take their medications for a variety of reasons. One of the most startling is the desire to increase their viral load to infect as many people as possible. Assuming that you're dealing with someone who is honest with you and discloses that they are HIV+, one of the key questions you may want to ask is "Are you undetectable?". If they're not undetectable, that doesn't mean that you'll definitely catch HIV, however as a general rule, the higher the viral load, the higher the risk.
Also, when you're HIV+ or dealing with an HIV+ partner who is coinfected with another STI, the presence of HIV does elevate your overall risk for contraction of another STI during sexual activity. Assuming that you're only dealing with honest people (which I would like to believe is most of the time), the overall risks are usually rather "safe", even without a condom as long as the viral load of the person in question is undetectable. Some studies out there even seem to suggest that a viral load as high as 30,000 is still a rather low risk. And lastly, the type of activity you are doing will also impact the risk involved. For example, oral sex as a general rule has the lower risks, whereas anal or vaginal sex will have a significantly higher risk involved.
This been haunting me for a while and havent done anything about it. Always want to do random hookups but afraid of the consequences.
It's important to discuss safer sex with anyone you're having sex with.
When you do that and make sure you trust the othet's answer, I would say it would be safe..