Eurovision 2016 : Who will win? who would you vote for?
Tonight, Eurovision 2016 will be live on most european national channels, and watched by more than 150 millions people.
Who do you think will win? Who do you prefer?do you think Russia will be "boooed" like the last 3 years because of the homophobic laws of Putine?
the little dude from Sweden is nice :
Me: I hate the guy from my country, and many people dont like him either as he is the essence of political correctness ; the dude sing partially in english which is very bad. Some years ago, singers were forced to use their country language. Even the minister of something said it was a terrible choice to use english.
i too honestly wish everyone would sing in their native languages, unless they're like really good at english ofc.
the only one i really like this year is italy: (the vid is a bit lame, but the song is sooo god imo)
I feel like I'm the only one who really liked Austria's song.. Even though it's in French for some reason.
I agree that they should sing in their native languages, since the songs are known beforehand it would be an easy thing to subtitle them.
As for holding Eurovision in Russia with their anti-gay stance, is that really a good idea? Maybe they shouldn't win for that reason alone. Or maybe it will help easy the political pressures, who knows. I certainly wouldn't go there though.
Is there a way you can look at all of the entries somewhere?
Hopefully I'm not biased being from Australia…but I do like Australia's one:
Not really a fan of hers, she's Korean born but Australian and seems to do quite well in that video..
Edit: I found this recap video of them all:
Wow…there are quite some good ones there!..
the guys from the netherlands looks like Zack Efron
(dont like the song).
I liked the guy from Riga, Latvia, though his song is crap ( leather jacket, tight jeans, blond guy :)) ). :
then the guy from lithuania, though I prefer his hair in the natural form, he has great eyes. ( dont like the song either). :
Israel guy: dont like the guy but the song was nice.
I think I would have voted for israel coz event though I like the look of the 2 others guys better it's a song contest and not an how sexy you look contest