Putting Down a Dog
So Tomorrow I am supposed to put my dog down. She is quite old and I understand that she won't live much longer. However, she still has such a youthful spirit and energy to her. He body and age are simply betraying her. I just guess I felt like I would for sure know it was time and it doesn't feel like I do. But on the other hand I don't want to her to loose more of the faculties she has already lost (messing in the house, legs giving out, horrible heavy loud (and what seems to be painful) breathing)….I know all that sounds like enough but she still has this twinkle in her eye and can still catch a treat from the other side of the room lol. I just don't want to do the wrong thing. Any advice is appreciated
That must be an awful position for you. I have never had to make such a decision.
But my instinct is that you mustn't be selfish, what is best for your dear dog. And I'm not sure there is a 'wrong thing'.
Whatever happens will be sad for you. But remember the good times I'm sure you have had.