Do you believe in God, even you being gay?
ok so Jack777, you are an atheist, which is a faith by itself like any other religion. please respect people and dont try to convert others people to your own faith. dont say things like " all religious books.." you dont know that( no you dont, you believe that, which is totally different). It's equally stupid as someone let's say catholic, would say you are Buddhist so your religion is crap only mine is real. this is stupid and only brings war.
Claiming that atheism is a 'faith' strikes me as very narrow minded. It is possible to disagree with the world's religions without relying on faith. Well, to be fair, one must have faith that our senses are at least somewhat accurate, we're not figments of another's imagination or data in a simulation. Even so, comparing that basic standpoint to an actual religion and claiming that using it as the basis of reasoning is an attempt to 'convert people to your own faith' is ludicrous.
Secondly, if we're talking about major religions, there are only three religious books, and they're essentially identical, minus cultural differences. Well, to be fair, the Quran and Bible are both much longer than the Torah, but, having read them all, his point is valid, even if the Torah and Bible sometimes mix allegory with historical accounts. Buddhism on the other hand doesn't have a uniting major theological text, nor does Hinduism, which are both largely regionally distinct. There is literally nothing in his statements that isn't provable beyond his standpoint that they're fictional. While that claim isn't technically provable, his arguments are logically sound. If you're going to disagree with someone over such a contentious topic, I'll thank you to make some sort of logical rebuttal, rather than attempting to refute a sound argument with whatever wishy-washy hippy bullshit I had the displeasure of being forced to quote.
P.S. After reading some of your other messages on this board, I feel confident in saying you need to tone your bigotry down. Regardless of whether it's about skin color or country of origin, it's ridiculous and unnecessary here.
:police: Please dial back the bickering or I might have to issue some official warnings. :police:
Yes I believe in God, even though I am bisexual.
I never used to believe in god.
As a matter of fact I blamed god for the way I turned out.
But when I was down on my luck and asked for help god was there to help.
He didn't ask what my sexual preference was, he just helped.I think people confuse god with the punishing church and their ideals.
My god is not a punishing god
Probably why I live a spiritual life
And why I have peace of mind today -
Of course I do, even more, I pray for getting pregnant
Yes, I'm a Roman Catholic, I was raised as one and despite what the Church says I rely in the Bible, I love my boyfriend, is love, not lust… and that book just mention sodomy in the Apocalipsis so they can go f*ck themselves, I do believe in God. ^-^
absolutely 100% yes
He's been so good even in the lowest point of my life, He was there to help me!
I don't think there's any relation.
As for if I believe in God, kind of. Lemme explain.
I believe that there is some God-like entity out there somewhere, but I don't believe in any religion, least of all those religions which bash other religions and discriminate. I mean, sure there are many good things we can learn from religion (I was raised as a Hindu, and there are a lot of stories and tales from which you can learn a lot of life lessons) but that's no reason to literally start killing people because they don't believe in the same thing.
So, basically, I don't believe in creationism and I'm all for science and The Big Bang Theory and stuff. But here's my theory/belief: According to the Big Bang Theory, the entire universe was like a dense structure and then there was a Big Bang and everything started expanding, right? But what created (Idk if that's the word I'm looking for) this dense structure? My belief is that some God-like entity may have created it.Another theory I believe is that God, or any equivalent to God, is kinda like Schrödinger's cat. God is neither real nor unreal until we can see God. Does that make any sense?
But then again, I try not to get too engrossed in these subjects, cuz like it or not, we're probably not gonna get an answer to whether there is a God or not in our lifetime. Of course we should continue research and stuff about the creation of the universe, but there's no point in common people like us to be arguing about this kinda stuff.
I don't think there's any relation.
As for if I believe in God, kind of. Lemme explain.
I believe that there is some God-like entity out there somewhere, but I don't believe in any religion, least of all those religions which bash other religions and discriminate. I mean, sure there are many good things we can learn from religion (I was raised as a Hindu, and there are a lot of stories and tales from which you can learn a lot of life lessons) but that's no reason to literally start killing people because they don't believe in the same thing.
So, basically, I don't believe in creationism and I'm all for science and The Big Bang Theory and stuff. But here's my theory/belief: According to the Big Bang Theory, the entire universe was like a dense structure and then there was a Big Bang and everything started expanding, right? But what created (Idk if that's the word I'm looking for) this dense structure? My belief is that some God-like entity may have created it.Another theory I believe is that God, or any equivalent to God, is kinda like Schrödinger's cat. God is neither real nor unreal until we can see God. Does that make any sense?
But then again, I try not to get too engrossed in these subjects, cuz like it or not, we're probably not gonna get an answer to whether there is a God or not in our lifetime. Of course we should continue research and stuff about the creation of the universe, but there's no point in common people like us to be arguing about this kinda stuff.
Well, as a physcist i must say that there is not need for a "god", the actual theories, must to be proven, i need to say, allows the begining of the universe from nothing because of the concept of quantum vaccum. The quantum theories says that there are particles always stepping in and out of reality, since their life time is too small to be measured. This quantum fluctuation produced the big bang and all we know. Of course it is not my intention to offend the believes of any one, just saying about the actual theoriesof the physcists. But the beauty of physics is that it wants to explain everything through mathemathics, and with evidence, obviously
I'm not sure about a theologist or a phylosopher would say about your belive of schrodinger's god, but, some where i read that the proof of god is way beyond the hands of science. As a physcist your analogy is kind of cute, and weird.
No. Now if you were to ask, "What is God?" I would answer, "The sum total of the universe." Do I believe this exists? Well, let's just say that those that think reality is a mere simulation are either nuts, Phillip K. Dick or rich assholes. Yes, reality is real. But do I have to worship it in some pagan way, I'd say, "no". Respect it certainly; it can kill you! But worship, not so much.
God? Whose? Hmmm, I guess "god" couldn't care less what humans do, it wouldn't meddle with our petty affairs, considering that he's god. But the word god has a very flexible nature. Meh, fuck god.
As far as I'm concerned religious people are fucking evil. Believe in yourself, that's all you need !!!
I believe in a higher power. What that might be, I have no idea. I don't believe in organized religion.
Of course I don't believe in god. I'm too old for imaginary friends. If you examine the evidence for god (there is none) it becomes immediately obvious. I do understand the appeal of living in denial of basic reality, but I just can't do it personally.
Yes I'm a gay black Christian. To me god exists.
No. I Wasn't raised in a family that believed in any god, not seen much in the world that makes me feel there is a benevolent god looking after us.
Nope… and my belief (or lack thereof) has nothing to do with the fact that I'm gay... lol
yes .
I don't think there's any relation.
As for if I believe in God, kind of. Lemme explain.
I believe that there is some God-like entity out there somewhere, but I don't believe in any religion, least of all those religions which bash other religions and discriminate. I mean, sure there are many good things we can learn from religion (I was raised as a Hindu, and there are a lot of stories and tales from which you can learn a lot of life lessons) but that's no reason to literally start killing people because they don't believe in the same thing.
So, basically, I don't believe in creationism and I'm all for science and The Big Bang Theory and stuff. But here's my theory/belief: According to the Big Bang Theory, the entire universe was like a dense structure and then there was a Big Bang and everything started expanding, right? But what created (Idk if that's the word I'm looking for) this dense structure? My belief is that some God-like entity may have created it.Another theory I believe is that God, or any equivalent to God, is kinda like Schrödinger's cat. God is neither real nor unreal until we can see God. Does that make any sense?
But then again, I try not to get too engrossed in these subjects, cuz like it or not, we're probably not gonna get an answer to whether there is a God or not in our lifetime. Of course we should continue research and stuff about the creation of the universe, but there's no point in common people like us to be arguing about this kinda stuff.
Well, as a physcist i must say that there is not need for a "god", the actual theories, must to be proven, i need to say, allows the begining of the universe from nothing because of the concept of quantum vaccum. The quantum theories says that there are particles always stepping in and out of reality, since their life time is too small to be measured. This quantum fluctuation produced the big bang and all we know. Of course it is not my intention to offend the believes of any one, just saying about the actual theoriesof the physcists. But the beauty of physics is that it wants to explain everything through mathemathics, and with evidence, obviously
I'm not sure about a theologist or a phylosopher would say about your belive of schrodinger's god, but, some where i read that the proof of god is way beyond the hands of science. As a physcist your analogy is kind of cute, and weird.
Uhmmm if I understand correctly what you wrote you are referring to the physical nature of the quantum vacuum.
There is no need for god in physics is yet to be said : …<<
The Higgs boson has been measured as an energy distribution with a peak of 5σ and a mass of 126 GeV.You know the Higgs boson is called the god particle for a reason,
and this reason is because it is the key to further research in physics.
This research has a unique scope: a unified theory.This unified theory is what you need to say if you need what Aristoteles called "first cause - unmoved mover" (an alias for god) or not.
And there is plenty of philosophical writings about this ...
Let's quote only "De philosophia" to have a direct bound with the principles of Christian theology known as Augustinianism,
(that accredited philosophically the Catholic Christian religion).What the physics currently lacks is a theory that properly fit into (read predict/foretell) this fact (the mass) ...
Apparently the mass of the boson is really interesting as it was believed:
it is located in a sort of no man's land,
it does not prefer symmetries, which would require a mass contained in a interval of about 115 GeV,
nor a multiverse, which would require a mass contained in an interval of about 140 GeV,
it is perfectly located in the center.The data were puzzling for physicists,
because they do not exclude any of the accepted theories,
but they require some adjustments to each of them (to exclude paradoxes) ...One boson with this mass is a critical data for the fate of the universe because, without any other particle, this makes it unstable, temporary;
and since higgs holds everything together, if the boson were to disappear, everything would disappear altogether.
Higgs, the center of the standard model, could also be the one that will destroy everything:
the creator and destroyer, like an all in one Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu.
Let's have another binding with another religion, but this could go further with any of the existent ...It is unlikely that any of the current theories, without being refined and revised to predict the discovered phenomena,
manages to be proven, and therefore,
saying that current theories do not need a god, then the physics does not need a god, is a stretch, a big big big stretch.The science doesn't know.
What we, as a specie, have found during the scientific journey is what Dante Alighieri wrote asConsiderate la vostra semenza:
fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza.
(vv. 118-120 / Inferno / Canto twenty-sixth)Consider well the seed that gave you birth: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.
That God exists or not, it will not change what we learned:
what defines us is what we do, what we do is what makes us who we are, humans.And regardless of any loophole used by any human interpretation of any dogma to justify murder and discrimination,
no one should be remembered for barbarism (also against homosexuals).
So let's everyone believes what makes feel better and what makes us strive to improve our behaviour,
whatever it is, for the good of all.To answer that question, ontologically speaking, that makes perfect sense (if you have been able to follow the thought):
God is neither real nor unreal until you can see God (Principle of uncertainty &/or Gödel's incompleteness theorems).This is what Nietzsche takes for granted in
god is neither real or unreal until you see him, but to see him, you have to kill him
( in the sense that to undercover god you have to debunk him first ) …
Side side note : one of his books, that partially concerns this, has been named "the gay science" >:D -
I don't think there's any relation.
As for if I believe in God, kind of. Lemme explain.
I believe that there is some God-like entity out there somewhere, but I don't believe in any religion, least of all those religions which bash other religions and discriminate. I mean, sure there are many good things we can learn from religion (I was raised as a Hindu, and there are a lot of stories and tales from which you can learn a lot of life lessons) but that's no reason to literally start killing people because they don't believe in the same thing.
So, basically, I don't believe in creationism and I'm all for science and The Big Bang Theory and stuff. But here's my theory/belief: According to the Big Bang Theory, the entire universe was like a dense structure and then there was a Big Bang and everything started expanding, right? But what created (Idk if that's the word I'm looking for) this dense structure? My belief is that some God-like entity may have created it.Another theory I believe is that God, or any equivalent to God, is kinda like Schrödinger's cat. God is neither real nor unreal until we can see God. Does that make any sense?
But then again, I try not to get too engrossed in these subjects, cuz like it or not, we're probably not gonna get an answer to whether there is a God or not in our lifetime. Of course we should continue research and stuff about the creation of the universe, but there's no point in common people like us to be arguing about this kinda stuff.
Well, as a physcist i must say that there is not need for a "god", the actual theories, must to be proven, i need to say, allows the begining of the universe from nothing because of the concept of quantum vaccum. The quantum theories says that there are particles always stepping in and out of reality, since their life time is too small to be measured. This quantum fluctuation produced the big bang and all we know. Of course it is not my intention to offend the believes of any one, just saying about the actual theoriesof the physcists. But the beauty of physics is that it wants to explain everything through mathemathics, and with evidence, obviously
I'm not sure about a theologist or a phylosopher would say about your belive of schrodinger's god, but, some where i read that the proof of god is way beyond the hands of science. As a physcist your analogy is kind of cute, and weird.
Uhmmm if I understand correctly what you wrote you are referring to the physical nature of the quantum vacuum.
There is no need for god in physics is yet to be said : …<<
The Higgs boson has been measured as an energy distribution with a peak of 5σ and a mass of 126 GeV.You know the Higgs boson is called the god particle for a reason,
and this reason is because it is the key to further research in physics.
This research has a unique scope: a unified theory.This unified theory is what you need to say if you need what Aristoteles called "first cause - unmoved mover" (an alias for god) or not.
And there is plenty of philosophical writings about this ...
Let's quote only "De philosophia" to have a direct bound with the principles of Christian theology known as Augustinianism,
(that accredited philosophically the Catholic Christian religion).What the physics currently lacks is a theory that properly fit into (read predict/foretell) this fact (the mass) ...
Apparently the mass of the boson is really interesting as it was believed:
it is located in a sort of no man's land,
it does not prefer symmetries, which would require a mass contained in a interval of about 115 GeV,
nor a multiverse, which would require a mass contained in an interval of about 140 GeV,
it is perfectly located in the center.The data were puzzling for physicists,
because they do not exclude any of the accepted theories,
but they require some adjustments to each of them (to exclude paradoxes) ...One boson with this mass is a critical data for the fate of the universe because, without any other particle, this makes it unstable, temporary;
and since higgs holds everything together, if the boson were to disappear, everything would disappear altogether.
Higgs, the center of the standard model, could also be the one that will destroy everything:
the creator and destroyer, like an all in one Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu.
Let's have another binding with another religion, but this could go further with any of the existent ...It is unlikely that any of the current theories, without being refined and revised to predict the discovered phenomena,
manages to be proven, and therefore,
saying that current theories do not need a god, then the physics does not need a god, is a stretch, a big big big stretch.The science doesn't know.
What we, as a specie, have found during the scientific journey is what Dante Alighieri wrote asConsiderate la vostra semenza:
fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza.
(vv. 118-120 / Inferno / Canto twenty-sixth)Consider well the seed that gave you birth: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.
That God exists or not, it will not change what we learned:
what defines us is what we do, what we do is what makes us who we are, humans.And regardless of any loophole used by any human interpretation of any dogma to justify murder and discrimination,
no one should be remembered for barbarism (also against homosexuals).
So let's everyone believes what makes feel better and what makes us strive to improve our behaviour,
whatever it is, for the good of all.To answer that question, ontologically speaking, that makes perfect sense (if you have been able to follow the thought):
God is neither real nor unreal until you can see God (Principle of uncertainty &/or Gödel's incompleteness theorems).This is what Nietzsche takes for granted in
god is neither real or unreal until you see him, but to see him, you have to kill him
( in the sense that to undercover god you have to debunk him first ) …
Side side note : one of his books, that partially concerns this, has been named "the gay science" >:DI was talking about the fact that some theories that describes the universe as it is today requiring nothing but energy zero in its initial state. Several physicists like Lawrence Krauss, and of course Stephen Hawkings support the zero energy initial state. And actually it is not the quantum vaccum itself but some other phenomena i'm not famuliarized with. The main evidence about the universe from a zero point has been observations related to background radiation. Of course yet it is needed more evidence about this topic. The main reason of this research is learning about cosmological constant. But I need more research
The Higgs Field is the mechanism developed (yes, developed by Higgs and Englert to break spontaneously th CP simetry) to give mass to the elementary particles, and just because Peter Higg's editor is why it is called god's particle. Several years ago when its discover was announced was said that it could be the bososn predicted by Standard Model how ever, i didn't read the data you mention, but the mass reported seems actually fitting on stsndard model.
And just speaking of that, Standard Model is best theory we have to explain the universe, its full of holes. It has 19 values that we just needed to get from the experimentale data. And the main prescence of matter over antimatter is unexplained by th Model. And so many reasons. The physics needs so much work to do
and i say in my original comment every unified theory needs experimental prove, as in any other science, so, there is still many research to do
I promess get the proper references!!!