Which is easier?
Which is easier? Coming out to your friends that you know have stood by you for so long, or your family who have promised to love you forever?
friends, i found it the most difficult to come out to a family member that i wasn't the closest to, i think it had to do with how I would talk to the people in my life. This person I never discussed real issues or emotions so it was the hardest. it all ended up being fine and it actually made our relationship grow for the good.
Friends, definitely! Because we choose them to be in our lives. Family is complicated I think
Friends of course, extended family then and finally, your parents, they will be the last ones to know and the most difficult ones to accept they might be both sad and disappointed (even angry) about the news, they can even argue whe "chose" this when deep inside they know that wasn't the case leading to yeeeeeeeeeaaaarrsss of therapy to cope with that moments, I have an ex that after he told their parents the subject was erased, that never happened and his mother keep suggesting him to get a girlfriend and settle for once, she bluntly ignored what happened and decided to pretend it has never ocurred. So yes, friends, also, a note, they only one who was a bit upset about the news turned up to be gay too 3 years later so careful with that, it's not only our process, it could be other's as well.