Porn Star Bruno Knight Sentenced for Drug Smuggling
A previous thread on his arrest is now old, but it did not include any update on the outcome of his arrest at LAX for carrying three bags of Crystal Meth up his butt. No sympathy for the fallible human on that earlier thread, either. Seemed to me that if he was high on the combination of drugs named and visibly tweaking as reported, he might not have been operating close to whatever his usual level of good sense might be, or he would not have gotten loaded in case he needed his remaining wits to deal with an emergency situation while attempting to smuggle drugs and being obviously in a non-standard state while navigating Big Brother Spy Central– an international airport full of scanners, sniffer dogs, and suspicious travelers in a time of well-funded religious and political panic.
Yup, right on the money. He apologized in court to the country whose laws he broke, said it was addiction that did him in, and credited his time in the nick for helping him get, as they say in the popular jargon, "clean and sober."
So he pleaded guilty to attempting to smuggle 226 grams of speed with intent to sell. That's identified as half a pound or, if you are converting measurements for baking, just over one measuring cup.
Sentenced to two years, which typically would include the five months he spent sobering up in the federal pen waiting for trial, and time off for good behavior. Let the crassest and most vile among us now post some self-degrading prison rape comments because what could be funnier, right? Unless, I suppose, you or someone you know has been the victim of such pain and degradation.
Interestingly, Bruno Knight was reported to be a mere 31 years old when news of his sentence was reported on 5 Dec 2014, so he might be out within the year, perhaps is even out already, what with prison overpopulation issues and the throw-away-the-key attitude toward nonviolent drug offenders. Not that for-profit prisons have any reason not to continue this barbaric situation, of course.
The big bear's real name is Patrick Jizzie (the stories spell it with a G but my spelling is much better) and in "Security Control," a film not on this site, he plays an airport security guard who searches a man's body for drugs. Personally, I like the whole manufacturing, packaging, and delivery system for the healthy youth serum males manufacture and have such joy spreading around as a "medicine for melancholy," or at least for their own. Why do I think that was not the drug he was looking for?