28-long time user, first time posting
Hey all
28 year old from the Midwest who has been a member for a number of years. Like to keep a good ratio and do my best to seed anything and everything I have. Lost a lot of stuff when my last HDD failed me so I'm trying to reclaim my favorites and find new stuff. -
** :hiya: :hiya: :hiya: :hiya: :hiya: :hiya:
:welcome: to the Forums servbot87, glad you got a chance to stop by. I know you will have much fun here and hope to see you come back often.**
:hiya: - good luck on your project
Hi everyone
i've been a member of the site for a while howerver, i was disappointed as i couldn't find a way to fix my ratio, so i went inactive. Now i'm back and trying to do my best
Any piece of advice would be greatly appreciated
Check out the freeleech torrents to help improve your ratio
Freeleech is good, look for ones with plenty of downloaders.
Keep your torrent client running if possible.
Build up bonus points by forum posts, adding pictures (relevant ones) to torrent pages, voting on what you download.
Or perhaps the best way, seed a torrent of your own
**Welcome back tommyboy717 :welcome:
cannonmc covered pretty much it all. You can also make a donation to the site https://www.gaytorrent.ru/donate.php in return for GB help with you ratio as well.
You receive for every hour the system is registering you as a seeder 0.5 points.
- If you upload a new torrent, you might get rewarded by other users with seedbonus. (If you are a first time uploader, meaning never uploaded to this tracker, send Ozyme a PM with the torrent link and you will be rewarded with 600 Bonus Points.)
- Upload missing/extra torrent pictures and get for each pic 1 Point extra!
- Voting on torrents you have downloaded and get 2 Points for each!
- 1 Point for each Forum post and 5 Points for each new Forum Topic!
Seedbonus points can be trade for GB, a minumin of 100 points for 1.0 GB. More of what to do with bonus points is located here https://www.gaytorrent.ru/getbonus.php** :hiya: