Disney Princes & heroes
I adore you!! Can't wait for more! :urock:
Computer animated comics… well done dude! =D
I really like these. thx lots
soooo, which of these do you ( you=all the members reading this lol) is the hottest? I'd go for John Smith. :cheesy2:
I really like these. thx lots
soooo, which of these do you ( you=all the members reading this lol) is the hottest? I'd go for John Smith. :cheesy2:
I'd say Milo Thatch or Thomas. Nerdy guys always seem to be hung like an elk! ::)
All I can say now is…
Hercules :cheesy2:
I really like these. thx lots
soooo, which of these do you ( you=all the members reading this lol) is the hottest? I'd go for John Smith. :cheesy2:
hercules!!!! :cheesy2: :cheesy2:
I would go for Phoebus from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
and well i saw you forgot a few so here they are :o```
Emperor Kuzco from the Emperors New Groove[img]hxxp://img682.imageshack.us/img682/5247/princenaveenfromtheprinl.jpg[/img]
Prince Naveen from The Princes and the Frog[img]hxxp://img715.imageshack.us/img715/8455/princecaspianandpeterfr.jpg[/img]
Prince Caspian and Peter from The Chronicles of Narnia (or thats my guess...)[img]hxxp://img689.imageshack.us/img689/6449/johnhenry.jpg[/img]
John Henry[img]hxxp://img291.imageshack.us/img291/8405/troyboltonfromhighschoo.jpg[/img]
Troy Bolton from High School Musical[img]hxxp://img693.imageshack.us/img693/2971/hookfrompeterpan.jpg[/img]
Hook from Peter Pan[img]hxxp://img715.imageshack.us/img715/1231/hadesfromherculesk.jpg[/img]
Hades from Hercules[img]hxxp://img714.imageshack.us/img714/6878/gastonfrombeautyandthebj.jpg[/img]
Gaston from Beauty and the Beast[img]hxxp://img689.imageshack.us/img689/1821/claytonfromtarzan.jpg[/img]
Clayton from Tarzanall the images i had to resize to post on the forum, i like to learn how to post them better but for now i just place a link her to see them original size hxxp://profile.imageshack.us/user/dvtrboy/ ENJOY!!! * * * cumeaternc edit: disabled live links. Use bitbucket instead. leatherbear edit: 1 last live link disabled.
Upload the pictures to http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket.php and then link the images here
[It's like ImageShack, but under the (owned by) site.] -
sorry i am pretty new at this but i try again
![](http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/Emperor Kuzco from the Emperors New Groove.jpg)
Emperor Kuzco from the Emperors New Groove![](http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/Prince Naveen from The Princes and the Frog.jpg)
Prince Naveen from The Princes and the Frog![](http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/John Henry.jpg)
John Henry![](http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/Troy Bolton from High School Musical.jpg)
Troy Bolton from High School Musical![](http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/Prince Caspian and Peter from The Chronicles of Narnia.jpg)
Prince Caspian and Peter from The Chronicles of Narnia![](http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/Clayton from Tarzan.jpg)
Clayton from Tarzan![](http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/Gaston from Beauty and the Beast.jpg)
Gaston from Beauty and the Beast![](http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/Hades from Hercules.jpg)
Hades from Hercules![](http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/bitbucket/Hook from Peter Pan.jpg)
Hook from Peter PanENJOY!!!
i was wondering how to upload the images as Ace did anyone that can help me with that?
He has attached the pictures.
Under the area where you type your reply you will see "+ Additional Options…" click it and you'll get the option to "Attach" pictures. Just browse to and select the pictures off your computer and you're set
:bravo: :thankyou: :dick: