Is that possible?
I just "lost" my Samsung HD with more than 400GB of videos on it.
I just want to know if it's possible for me to know all torrent files I downloaded over the years to download them again.You notice the torrent "get green" when you download it, is it possible to view only the files I downloaded… the "green ones"?
Dear Goulart,
Sorry to hear about your HD crashing.
You can go to your profile by clicking your member name, top left
After that opens, then scroll down…
See the underlined "Show completed torrents" ?
If you click on that, it will show you the last 250 torrents you downloaded, with http: links to every one.
The torrents you downloaded beyond 250? You're "green" display would be the only method on that, I believe.
And no, there isn't a way to force the search function to just show you your downloaded torrents, sorry about that.
Take care, and good luck
Pawpcorn, GTRU Staff -
If you haven't voted for categories, you could use the "Show torrents not yet voted?" link. it is limited to 250 results, as soon as you've voted it will fill up to 250 until less than 250 not voted are left.
If your BitTorrent installation wasn't effected, you could try to look in its .torrent file store to find the .torrent files. If you haven't changed the default location in the BitTorrent "Directories" settings, it is in %AppData%/bittorrent (type that in the left top address bar of the windows file explorer (not IE!).
Thank you Pawpcorn and Popper.