Have you asked some one for his undies?
nope, i take them when no one's looking
I have not, but I have a hottie that works me and I would like to have a pair of his. I am not even sure what kind he wears, but man would I love it. A jock strap would even be better.
:cheesy2: -
I've swiped a few pairs from the clothesline of a mate but never asked him.
In a freaky twist, he once asked me for a pair of mine!!!
He'd worn his boxers in the pool at a party but then he had to go to straight to his girlfriend's parents place for dinner. He asked if I had a spare pair he could wear. I nearly fainted before happily handing over a clean pair of briefs. He returned them, freshly laundered unfortunately, the next week.
I haven't worn them since - they sit amongst some of my other trophies.
Never had the nerve, though one time I was at a club dancing and a guy asked me to take off my underwear in the bathroom so he could play with my cock while we danced easier. While we were dancing some other guy came along and stole my underwear out of my back pocket, I wished he had asked I would have gladly given it to him with a kiss
I have asked once to a good (straight) friend of mine, he thought it was weird at first but we talked about it and now I just go take some once in a while and he doesn't mind. Aside from this guy, I just help myself when no one's looking
I have asked once to a good (straight) friend of mine, he thought it was weird at first but we talked about it and now I just go take some once in a while and he doesn't mind. Aside from this guy, I just help myself when no one's looking
What did you say to him/talk about? Also to the other posters, how do you go about asking for it when the guy is and is not a sex partner/ex?
I once lent my boyfriend a pair of my undies and told him to use them and them give them back to me. He used them for like 4 monthsand he washed them thoroughly before returning them so I only got a pair of worn off undies. ;D Not sexy imo
What did you say to him/talk about? Also to the other posters, how do you go about asking for it when the guy is and is not a sex partner/ex?
I asked why it would bother him, understandably he thought it was a part of his intimacy but we just talked it through, I mostly explained why I thought it wasn't really weird since you know there are natural pheromones on there so it's now wonder they're enjoyable to jerk off to. I should mention we live nearby and so I just grab a pair (or two) when I leave his room and bring them clean a few days later so really there's nothing at all for him to do, I think that helps. I wouldn't recommend asking just anyone though, it should be someone who is already comfortable talking about sex with you and who you feel is open-minded and discreet (I really wouldn't enjoy him mentionning that to our other friends).
No but I did come into possession of a few pairs of my ex bfs when we were still together of course.
I wanted to ask a coworker but i retrcated because it seemed like a bad idea and potential of being fired, but he is hot with goattee
I think you just saved your career..
I had a str8 close friend for many years and I used to "borrow" his sweaty black socks and various worn coloured underpants from his family laundry basket which they (helpfully) kept in their only bathroom. I was deeply shocked when he confronted me in my car one evening on the way to the local pub saying "I know what you do in my bathroom and it's got to stop!". I didn't know what to say so I came up with a rather lame "What, using your toilet?". He replied "No, taking my underpants and socks. What would have happened if my wife had noticed? You've got to stop this or you'll get addicted."
I knew he knew I had a fetish for black socks and I used to touch his socks and loafers at every opportunity but I was hugely taken aback that he knew my dirty secret! I asked to borrow them several times after this, even offering to exchange his worn underwear for beer or scotch (he used to love scotch but his wife didn't like him buying it!). He always gave me a very firm "No, that will never happen". I still borrowed them every chance I got after this, although as he moved the laundry basket into the main bedroom this got considerably harderβ¦but not impossible and where there's a will, there will always be a way!! -
I have a straight roommate, and sometimes laundry mixups happen.
At least, that is my story.
If you're getting naked with me, you lose your undies! LOL
yup, definitely stolen some from a guy who leaves his undies on the locker room floor when he goes for a shower after his workout. he is so hot.
in fact, i'll try to swipe a pair at the gym today
I love collecting other's underwear. better unwashed
I would just ask them if I can have it , mostly yes, or I would just take one at the gym hanging around -
I'm into shirts and ask my Sexpartners for theirs. Its a little bit embarassing, but the most guys say yes at the end.
Some I buy on the Internet.
I love to get shirts from hot guys
Is it worn by him and not wash after?