Most hardcore porn you've ever watched
So what is it? What's the most hardcore stuff you've watched or are into watching?
If the videos are here at the site, share us the links ;D -
Straighthell- Nicholas
Pony ride, tail insertion, grass eating, chemistry torture, clothes pins, brick weight…
It was intense! -
A lot of videos from Brutal Tops are pretty hot and get me going…!
Counsel has informed me I do not have to answer this question but if we put a little disclaimer like "What is the most hardcore gay porn watched?" I might answer that Cazzo one with the three tables, guy getting fisted on middle table and the other two tables are meat being butchered…can't remember the name. Can't remember the name, also can't get that image out of my head.
'Push It Out' is the nastiest I guess
Even though I'm fan of skull fucking and gagging the "Ream His Straight Throat" and "Gag the Fag" scenes can be a bit too much.