Error: Problem connecting to tracker - timed out
Due to the fact that I often enough experience the issue "error: Problem connecting to tracker - timed out" - yes, sometimes this issues exist for several seeding torrents and sometimes over a few hours - I wonder if the uploaded amounts will be still registered by the tracker? My logs often display this issue every 30 minutes for different torrents and we know that the tracker updates our stats/ratio as well every 30 minutes. As I noticed now for quite a while ( well, actually it is since GTru uses more security options to prevent DDos - attacks and stuff ), this issue isn't solved by stopping the torrent and re-starting it again - and as well, if I stop a torrent with this issue, no uploaded amount what so ever is added.
This is not really important for me, because I have a quite good upload ratio, but for users with a low ratio this can be rather frustrating, if the uploads won't count at all - and this for hours!
Edit: At the moment, there are 19 torrents, which have this issue… maybe a Technik-Admin could say something to this issue as well.