Ben Affleck… supposedly
Does anyone know anything about the clip that was going around that was supposedly Ben Affleck? I know it wasn't really him, and I'm not really looking for the clip itself, just some info on it. Like: does anyone know who it really is (his name) and what site (if any) it came off of originally?
I moved this since it's not an upload request, but a discussion about the video clip.
Does anyone know anything about the clip that was going around that was supposedly Ben Affleck? I know it wasn't really him, and I'm not really looking for the clip itself, just some info on it. Like: does anyone know who it really is (his name) and what site (if any) it came off of originally?
I downloaded a copy through another file sharing service. There's a "" logo that appears at the end of the video; I don't know if they were the original producers or maybe they added it to a clip they found. I think it was shot (!) by a better-than-amateur but not really professional group…the guy is sitting in an easy chair covered by a blue sheet, but it's done with ambient lighting and there's only one camera active, seemingly hand-held. The style is similar to that of, but not as professionally done.
I think you're talking about Blake Harper. He has don a ton of work in the gay porn indusrty. Very Hot!
It's not Blake that he's talking about.
I used to have the video and the guy in question did look a lot like Ben Affleck in certain camera angles, but the shots directly in front let you know it wasn't him. I have no idea where it came from other than someone posted it to a group I belonged to on Yahoo groups a few years ago.
I still have the file on a backup drive. It's only 1 minute 28 seconds, 10MB file, not large enough to seed here. It's small enough to be emailed, so if anyone's interested, send me a PM and I can email it to you. I'll try to attach a screenshot to this posting.
Thanks once again to eobox for forwarding it.
I've watched it awhile back and i don't know… it just didn't turn me on. Was it just because I've been like, immune (ok, i can find a better word. lol) for watching a lot dicks lately? haha
ben harper
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