Blank page after uploading a torrent
Hey all,
I just uploaded a torrent but instead of getting redirected to the torrent page, I just get a blank (white) page at It was a pretty big torrent, but the page load has finished.
You tried to upload the small .torrent file or the big movie file?
The .torrent, but that file is over 5MB.
I've tried splitting the torrent in two to reduce it's size but I'm still getting the same problem. I talked with some people on IRC about this a couple of nights ago, but have not heard anything back yet.
A 5 MB .torrent file might take a while until it is completely uploaded to the site. Did you wait a few minutes?
It is quite big for a .torrent file, rather than splitting the files to share, could you try to increase the "Piece size", e.g. using 1 MB. larger size of pieces reduce the size of the .torrent file generated.
Another question: does the blank page show any text like for example "502 Wrong Gateway" or it's tab something like "–>"?
This is an issue I've not seen before :afr:
The upload had finished, and the page, doupload.php, had finished loading. Both the POST to doupload.php and the jQuery callback were HTTP status code 200.