这条日都上传一些片。但收到系统返回的信息”You need to provide a more complete description of your torrent. Try to find some added info from the video or perhaps doing a google search. Thanks for the extra effort to add information. The more information you provide about your file the better chance that other members will download the torrent. If applicable you should provide information regarding the actors, the studio, and the action in the scenes. Upload Rule 11 states: “
看了一些内容。大概就是说发片需要尽可能详细?明星,片的内容都要写吗?但这些A片,一般就只有图片。很少能找到片的出产地,明星名字之类的。这样是否符合发片规则呢?另外男女片是不是不能发表? 因为手头片子超过2000G,所以具体细分有点难哦 -
如您发一部片上来,基本我们需要片名,一些基本的资料,起码片名啊。。 这是我们网站需要的资料。。