Being Gay and<></>
This has probably been talked about before, but I'm not a member for a very long time, so I'm bringing this up : how is it like to be gay in your country? Are you free to express yourselves are do you have to hide like rats? What role does this site have in your life? Is it just a site like many others or is it a site that you need, because otherwise you wouldn't have acces to gay movies? My country (Romania) is not a gay-friendly country at all. Of course there are people who fight for our rights, but the overall feeling is that gays are mocked, rejected … Many men feel unsafe next to a gay guy, because they have the feeling we are these sexual predators , who would have sex with just about anyone. Apparently, they don't realize that we also have preferences regarding our parteners and we don't try to rape people just because we are attracted to them! The bottom line is that, in my country, people think that a drunk piece if garbage who beats up his wife and children is better that a gay guy, just because he has sex with opposite sex ....
Some things have changed in the past 5 years
Its a lot better life for gay guys in Romania now. And things are continously changing very fast in a good way.
First of all, I think that the choosen board may not be the right one ( Forum > Non English Languages > Deutsch (German) > Allgemeine Unterhaltung ) - but if this thread "circulates" in all boards, it might be interesting to read answers to your questions. ^^In germany, the gay and lesbian community get more and more friends and the rights get adjusted - one after the other… ^^ The European Union is aware that gay rights are human rights and that's why the european court of justice forced germany a few times to change and adjust rights, when rights discriminate us or when they put us in a disadvantage. There are still rights that have to be changed, but over all, we live all with the same rights.
This doesn't mean, that we don't have people who are small minded or that we don't have people with a poor education about homosexuals. We still have as well religious people, who misinterpret the bible or other religious writings, just because they don't understand sexuality and feelings, or because they just want to be in the focus. Being homophobic isn't a crime in our country and because of our freedom of expression they have the right to be homophobic - there will always be some one who likes beer and others, who don't... even in a perfect world. I for myself met a lot of people, even in my own family, who have/had prejudices about homosexuals, but if they are not completly stupid, they learn and get rid of them, if the get to know us better, assuming they want to - - - and if they don't want to, why should you worry about it? There are thousands of people around you, who want to.The fact is, that homophobia is curable, stupidity not.
Apart from the above I like a lot, because I don't have to search for "the right porn" on hundreds of sites. The selection here is huge and the volunteer staff member are very helpfull and nice - even if a question is asked for the 100th time. ^^ ( if you are not able to reach a site in the world wide web, try to use a proxy - google might help you, if you need help with that, or open a new thread in the technical board of this forum - there are always ways to work around a barrier ). :cheers: