Leeching completed torrents
All the torrents that are in my leeching list excepts for 3 are completed. I seeded them and everything but the site still says it leaching. I'm using deluge. Is there a way to fix this or does the site doesn't care about seeding anymore.
This happens occasionally. The system will reset itself, indicating completed downloads usually within 12-24 hours. Just wait and it should clear up all by itself.
Only peers which got all files of a torrent's file list can de counted as seeder. If these are multiple file torrents and you chose not to download all files, you'll appear still as leecher, though you seed what you've downloaded.
Uploaded data will be counted as such by the tracker of course.
However such torrent still counts to the limit of at the same time downloading torrents and won't count for seed bonus points.
This is inherent to the bit torrent protocol and all trackers I know work like that. it isn't GayTorrent.ru specific.
This is something to be added to the FAQ -
This has been happening for a while now like 4 weeks so waiting a day won't fix it. Also, most of the torrents i download are just one video file and nothing else. Like for example "Nut me up" I just recently torrent and finish then I watch all of it but it still says i'm leeching from it. Deluge is saying I'm seeding it but the site says different.
Please drop in a PM when you are seeding > https://www.gaytorrent.ru/sendmessage.php?receiver=191566