Lack of audio on Daddy Howard files (Solution)
The basic problem is that Daddy uses Quicktime (.mov) format. Windows movie players can't play .mov files out of the box. They will almost always recognize the video, although they sometimes just croak instead. VLC can play the sound on some, but not on others.
SO you need the Apple codecs. You could just install Apple Quicktime for Windows application, but then you're stuck with the crappy Apple Quicktime player and it's "do it my way or the highway" philosophy.
What I did a long time ago (so long that I forgot the problem) is to install Quicktime Alternative, a free set of codecs for Apple quicktime movies. You can get it from all over the web. Here's a google search that throws up a lot of them: audio&cp=12&gs_id=sq&xhr=t&q=quicktime+alternative&pf=p&newwindow=1&safe=off&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&oq=quicktime+al&gs_l=&pbx=1&fp=1&bpcl=38093640&biw=967&bih=508&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&cad=b] audio&cp=12&gs_id=sq&xhr=t&q=quicktime+alternative&pf=p&newwindow=1&safe=off&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&oq=quicktime+al&gs_l=&pbx=1&fp=1&bpcl=38093640&biw=967&bih=508&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&cad=Just install Quicktime Alternative and you'll get sound on the Daddy Howard movies.
There also exists Real Alternative, which frees you from having to use Realplayer for RM movies.
I'd recommend to install the combo of Haali Media Splitter and fddshow tryouts (one of the latest builts).
That adds all usually needs codec and the ability to open mkv, mp4, mov, flv, etc … to Windows Media Player.
You could instead use as well the CCCP , Combined Community Codec Pack, which includes above and the Media Player Classic (MPC).
Thank you for this thread. When I started uploading all the Daddy Howard videos, I didn't even worry about the format. I thought we all knew about formats and codecs by now if we are on a site like this.
I would also mention some of the vids are in .mov as you mentioned, but some may also be .rm which is realplayer. Personally, I suggest a combo of vlc player and realplayer. If you have the most recent of those, you can play just about anything. Another good universal player is KMplayer.
Also, the most recent Realplayer is useful for downloading almost any video. Yes it comes out in crappy .rm format, but it gets a lot of the videos other flash downloaders cant.
Apologies for the random vid formats, but that's how I got them and I hate having to convert everything!
I guess I should have explained that this post was in response to a comment posted to my upload of 3 Daddy Howard, not a criticism of anybody else's uploads. I too uploaded MOV files that played for me with sound, without realizing that not everybody was going to get the same experience.