Military Pics
I have always loved a man in Uniform and wanted to have a Special Interest Group ~ SIG ~ here at as part of our Forums. If [you] has this same Passion for Uniforms and would like to start a new SIG for Uniforms then contact me by PM.
Here are a couple more, ;D
Some I missed earlier…..
Hot photos, thanks for sharing! I too have a fondness for men in uniform, from police officers to military, and of course men in suit and tie. There's something about them that just makes me weak. If I had more pics of them in my personal stash I would definitely assist you on that! I've got several GB's of Young guys and Muscle Men that I have been working on cleaning out of my computer and distributing between the current SIG I moderate and my blog.
He's only has the dog tags but that's all I would want to see him in.
Here is a few more. Sorry guys I post them as I find them. I've got several blogs I check fairly often for new pics for my screensaver . ;D
All of these hot pics make me want to go enlist! :fap:
All  Men but I love the Buzz Cut Guy and the Animated Gif addition :cheers:
:crazy2: I freely admit there are several of these I would say YES SIR to. >:D