Burning DVD issues with Convert X to DVD
I fixed one problem - I actually figured out how to remove my DVD burner and clean it and I didn't get the "burn strategy 32 error". But I downloaded Diamond Pictures Lost as Sea Shore leave" an AVI file. The downloaded file plays on VLC media player. It seems to convert, with Convert X to DVD 3, the preview window shows a good picture, but it will not burn to DVD after conversion. I get an error 16 (0) that I look up on the net and it says to reduce burn speed. It will still not burn. The odd thing is it looks like something has burned on the disk, but it will not play. VLC media player will not play the disk and the standalone DVD say "cannot play this disk."
I also tried burning the converted file (that Convert X converted) on a brand new external burner - seemed to burn but again wouldn't play on either VLC or standalone DVD player. One clue something was wrong is sometimes the burning is either too quick or it doesn't start right away, stays at 0% completed for quite a while before starting.
I also tried Xilosoft and DVD flick, again seems to convert and burn but won't play.
The reason this is so confusing for me is up to now, either files converted and burned with no problem or Convert X said immediately after I loaded the file that is was an unrecognized format. For everything to appear to work perfectly and then not play the completed DVD is a mystery.
Do I need an updated version of Convert X? Thanks much
1. Did you try converting another file, to see if that worked?
2. CovertXtoDVD is about to go to v5xxx, so you are way behind.
3. Is your computer old? A lot of older computers are struggling with some of the newer video files we've been seeing here.
Convert X said immediately after I loaded the file that is was an unrecognized format
I'd say that's where the problem lies. There's probably something wrong with the video file itself. I've gotten a few "stinkers" over the years and I've made a special folder for the one I think are worth keeping.