On the way to car repairs (a story joke)
A guy is driving through Arizona and his car breaks down. Luckily an Indian on horseback ambles along and offers the man a ride to a nearby town, to arrange for repairs. The visitor climbs on the horse behind the Indian and off they go. The ride is uneventful except every half a minute or so, the Indian loudly yells "whoo hoo." They get to the service station and the Indian lets out one final "Yahoo!" The mechanic says to the man "what did you do to get the Indian so excited?" "Nothing" protests the man " All I did was get on the horse, put my arms around his waist and hold on to the saddle horn to keep from fallling off." "Sir," replied the mechanic, "Indians ride bareback!"

funny! i'm not sure if warpaint would be sexy, though.
yeah Brandon, I think the bareback part of this joke predated that sort of question….
Really Funny !! ;D ;D !!