Bit Torrent Guard advice
I have been using torrents for some while I have recently become conscious of possible prying eyes as there now seem to be a worldwide campaign to try and spy on and restrict Internet usage, particularly downloading. So to try and hide myself I first subscribed to a VPN service (My private VPN) but I found it would not work with Torrents and even hotfile was a bit hit and miss sometimes when I was connected to the VPN server. I now understand that there are several VPN providers who won’t work with torrents. Still looking for an answer to using torrents in privacy I have now subscribed to BT Guard which according to their claims hides your torrent activity from your ISP and everybody else by automatically tracking your usage through their server. Thay say that this is particularlythe case if you use Utorrent as a client, but there seems no way of checking if it is in fact working, anyway not that I can find. When I check my IP while using utorrent it reads the same one provided by my ISP. I have only bought a 3 month trial, but I would like some expert advice on this product as to whether it is worth paying for and does it hide my activity as it claims? Also some opinions on Bit Torrent guards in general.
I have been recommended to buy a seedbox service, but I think that could be a bit extreme for me as I am not a prolific torrent downloader just 2 or 3 a week.
I would be grateful for any expert advice on this subject.
you can be sure that it works. however, we can confirm your settings (if correct) only in the time of your seeding / leeching. GT-guard enables the use of their service directly from uTorrent (& like) clients (without addidional software). once correctly set, your IP address should be identified as their IP address. in general, there are no special restrictions against torrents, unless openly alleged in any VPN provider policies, thus normally any of them should work with us. the problem comes here: this tracker system limit is set to 5 connections (= accounts) from the same IP address, or 1 account from 5 different IP addresses. once this limit is reached, there will be "who comes sooner, takes it" policy used; hence we really recommend to use your own IP address if possible. we can confirm for users the need of use of their own IP address with common VPN services, not so for GT guard (but this could be possible by using a VPN client with their settings, just for one log in to your account).
Several VPNs do work with torrents.
Read what they offer and the privacy statements.
As amice said, be sure that you set µTorrent to use the VPN.Some VPNs offer dedicated IPs too, no sharing the external IP. That will get you around the 5 connections from 1 IP limit on the tracker, that is, if you ever encounter that problem -I doubt you will.