Errors - what can I do?
A couple of downloads have reached the 0.500 share ratio, and stopped. The tracker status says either "Scrape Error: File Not Found" or "Error (Unregistered Torrent).
The file is in its expected place so the first error is not correct.
What would cause the "Unregistered Torrent" error to occur?
Thank you for any suggestions.
Our tracker got scrape support switched off. Therefore requests from torrent client programmes to scrape information will be answered by our tracker with an error code, which each torrent client programme translates in it's own message to the user.
A scrape error on any torrent which is stopped or queued is normal with or tracker and should not cause you any special worries.
The "File not found" refers to the tracker, not to the data file on your PC.
You might want to change the seeding priority settings of your torrent client programme, so that it continues to seed above a ratio of 0.50.
Somehow I've the impression you use Vuze / Azureus. If that is the case, look there >
Thank you for the suggestions and for the link to the Azureus Preferences/Options. I've made the recommended changes to 1:1 ratio and unchecking the boxes referring to 0 peers. In the past I have restarted Azureus/Vuze once a day, but often it seems to run well on its own. Now I need to be patient and increase my share ratio.
Thanks again!