~ All things yellow… ~

Future posts are cumming!!!! We may need a day or so to get things rolling here but do not let that stop you from making posts if you would like!!!
Hi good people. I'm Kinsey6, your "Piss Pig" moderator.
As mentioned in the Rules and Regulations section, "anyone that finds this material offensive [please] keep your opinions to yourself and respect others' rights to choose the behaviors they participate in…"
Even within this watersports Special Interest Group (SIG), I believe we will have varying tastes.
Watersports – peeing ON or IN someone
Wetting – peeing IN or ON your own underwear or clothing
Pissing – just letting it flow, but not necessarily watersports or wetting
All are welcome!
Feel free to post both pictures and/or recommended movie downloads. Let's have some fun and keep the posts "flowing."
I enjoy documenting my escapades. I carry an inexpensive video camera in my car at all times and have more sophisticated equipment for more sophisticated encounters. Something I've run into several times and find ironic, is that there are so many men who have no problem with the filming, have no problem jacking it for my camera, have no problem squirting their load for me and enthusiastically swallowing mine, yet I ask them to piss for me and suddenly I've crossed a line. A guy that'll shoot his load for me suddenly gets bashful or even defensive when I ask to see him piss! What's that about? I'll remind someone pissing is something they do many times a day, often in public johns, oblivious to anyone taking notice. This has never been a persuasive argument. What do you guys think? What are we all so uptight about? (I find that europeans are more liberal about this than americans.)
well, maybe us Europeans are more liberal, Stealfire, but i've had exactly the same experience here in the UK. lads i've brought home from a club or whatever will happily get up to virtually anything upstairs in bed, but when we stumble drunkenly to the bathroom (alright, they stumble drunkenly and i follow them), they seem to clam up. i reckon it's just such a social taboo… as a race we're slowly (praise Jah) managing to wean ourselves off tyhe idea that sex is dirty, but piss is still subject to that good old intricate web of guilt/shame/uncleanliness/sin spun by the church and state. sin and social disgrace... don't ya just love the way we think about things?
it's changing, but change never comes quick enough when it involves freeing people from stupid moral and social conditioning. piss movies are being released now that don't just assume that if you're into w/s you're a leather stud or hairy bear - absolutely no offence, by the way, if you fall into either category, old mate. some of my best friends are leather men and hairy bears. but i'm not, and it's nice to see things changing.. because the fact that it's slowly ceasing to be seen as part of a very precise niche means that it's starting to become more accepted, or at least less reviled, by gay society as a whole. and, heaven help us, if it becomes popular on the gay scene, even heterosexuals might start doing it ;D
so chin up, mate. there is hope. hopefully. probably.
hope you don't mind me chipping in my two, er, cents. just joined this fantastic site yesterday, currently still wandering around like a kid in a candy storehappy holidays!
TO GT.ru suigetsu
:thankyou: for this post and I hope we will see more of you in the forums soon.
I think you have the answer here and agree I with you totally.
Wurstfilm FREAKS 5 http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=44180 Full Torrent
http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=50072 Porn Scenes OnlyBB Fuck N Piss No Link Found
These are 2 films that I like much, and one that I saw here: Gay - Treasure Island - Folsom Street Fair 2003.
http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=29060What is your opinion about these films? Me? I love them.
Links added ~ leatherbear/Michael
Downloading both now!! :thankyou:
I'm with you! This site not only provides the goods I love, it gives me a chance to "talk" about it with others into the same!
I enjoy documenting my escapades.
What do you guys think? What are we all so uptight about? (I find that europeans are more liberal about this than americans.)SIGH
I guess I'm a little too late to the party. I just read the above post, and thought, "He likes to document! Perhaps he shares 'em too!", but when I clicked on the user link to see if he was sharing something interesting, I got the message I'm getting all too familiar with:
[bgcolor=#1D1D1D] stealfire's security settings doesn't allow to show you the Profile! [/bgcolor]
Curse it! I know this likely isn't the right place, but I find that, the more I see how Tim has crossed my path, the more I miss him, and I find I'm missing other people too. The strangest part is I'm missing people I've never met before.
To answer the question, though, I suspect what they are uptight about is that they are doing something they have been told their whole life is "dirty", "unclean", "disgusting", and, while they likely have been told the same about sex, they haven't yet learned that it can be shared with others less than negative results. They likely got negative reenforcement if they were caught peeking in the washroom. Not to mention all the negative connotations that have worked their way, unquestioned, into our language; has "Piss on it" ever been anything but negative? I can even remember a rhyme from my early school days:
[bgcolor=#1D1D1D] If I were a dog,
And you were a flower,
I'd lift my leg,
And give you a shower! [/bgcolor]Anyway, here's hoping that that special warm feeling you have now won't leave you cold in a half hour.
I love warm streams of man piss straight from the tap, running down the back of my throat and into my stomach. Woof!!!!!
is one to believe that 6 years WS disappeared? Glad I wasn't told. :pee2: