Funny pics
Funny pics
others are funny, but what is the funny point about picture 04?
My dear sweet innocent gzlong :funny2: That is MARIJUANA in the pic with Bert & Ernie.
I agree
:lovp: :lolp:
_My dear sweet innocent gzlong :funny2: That is MARIJUANA in the pic with Bert & Ernie.
I admire your knowledge, leatherbear - we did not learn something like that in biology
:cheesy2: omg Bert and Ernie rolling a joint :crazy2:
Haven't seen any Bert and Ernie, guess doing weeds is like mission impossible for them. I think I am gonna google to get it.
Haven't seen any Bert and Ernie, guess doing weeds is like mission impossible for them. I think I am gonna google to get it.
Have you heard of "Sesame Street" ? It's a show for children with puppets as the main cast and humans as guest appearances/co-stars (or something like that). Bert and Ernie are two such characters from the show who (if im not mistake) generally provide some comic relief.
Now the funny part about that picture is that, apart from being a childrens' show, its also supposed to teach morals and ethics to the watchers.
So when two of the main characters are rolling a joint…....needless to say anymore -
:cheesy2: omg Bert and Ernie rolling a joint :crazy2:
Actually rolling a joint is tame stuff compared to their behavior in this post <–--> :faint:
Think carefully what you wish for !!!
Latherbear, friends of yours ??
 Yeah they are a nice couple we get together often for P & P !!!!
BTW: Thank you for the new avatar :cheers:
One of the bear looks like one of our mods' avatar. >:D