0/0 status because can't figure out my own torrent!
I hate to eat up your time with this, but I've honestly never created a torrent. I've only ever downloaded and shared healthy seed ratios. But because the kinds of things I will be downloading from gaytorrent are rather niche, with little chance of others wanting to leech, I felt my best option was to share some of my own collection in order to maintain a healthy seed ratio. But I think I've misunderstood some instructions along the way.
Normally I just use Vuze to download. But the walk through guides mostly refer to uTorrent, which I have now downloaded, but have no experience with. I have also downloaded the quick torrent maker, and that one is very useful and easy to use. But again, I must be misunderstanding a step.
So that you don't have to hold my hand through this
is there a walkthrough vid that you recommend on youtube? Until then, I'll go over the guide again - I'll figure it out eventually!