Deluge settings
I'm newbie here and I have also little experiance and knowledge about torrent clients. I'm using Mac and the client program I chose is Deluge.
Is there anybody, who is willing to share some knowledge about Deluge client settings? What should be written / marked under different tabs of preferences? For example under "Network" I unchecked "Use random ports" for incoming ports, but my outgoing ports use random system at the moment, because the value is "0" and I don't know, what numbers to write there after I have unchecked it.
The problem is, that torrents do not start downloading. Tried 3 different. I guess some of my settings are not right. I can make screenshots of different preferences tabs.
Or maybe I should choose another torrent program? First I tried to install uTorrent, but my virus software warned, that there was a virus in it. So I chose Deluge.
Thank you for your time
These are my settings. But I'll go ahead and share them for you as a working example.
This is the deluge web system, but the same UI is used on the Windows build (or generally very similar)
Total Active, Total Downloading, etc: -1 means infinite, any number, you'll want all torrents to remain active as they should be calling out for people needing them. (Seeding). So active should always be -1, downloading depends on how wide your pipe is, here I have mine set to 5, since I run RSS, I like them to come in fairly quick so they can be up for seeding. Active seeding should be left at -1, since this option is configurable under bandwidth, its a bit redundant.
Port configuration - Choose any numbers, or range, here I've just done some unused ranges of ports. But both upload and download should be pulling an available port from the same range. This available range is actually registered to the tracker, as one port range, so if they don't line up correctly like they do here, you'll have problems.
Forward this port range - Follow a guide in this forum on setting the machine's DHCP reservation settings, permenant ARP binding, and virtual host/port forwarding settings at your router portal. You need to do this to upload/seed. Downloading may work, but this is crucial to being kind to others, and following the rules here on ratio/sharing.
The bandwidth tab -
Maximum connections -Maximum connections should be anywhere between 150-300 depending on the width of your pipe. If your modem/router starts to bug out, lower this number. From experience, its unsafe to go above 150 on a Comcast connection. They check for this, and they WILL throttle you. I have bonded LTE modems so I am confident in allowing this to settle at maximum 300.
Upload slots/download slots/speed settings: Be liberal with the amount of total upload slots. The more seeds can come in, the better for your ratio.
Download speed should generally be low, since this tracker prioritizes patient people that give a lot of upload pipe for sharing via the ratio system. As a rule of thumb here I have my upload speed set to x4 my download speed.
Half-open connections: Half-open connections **is a pretty important number. I have not had experience being able to set this number low and have success. I recommend 25-35, 35 is pretty optimal, since if more dead IPs are hanging around longer than they should, that's a situation to worry about, but you need to allow enough to hang out for the tracker to function correctly.
Rate limiting: Rate Limit your IP overhead, as that will apply the settings for you going out to WAN, but allow the traffic to come in your LAN at the speeds that are necessary to maintain connection by leaving your LAN rate-limit off. I found rate-limit LAN does help out some older routers, whose firmware tends to crash when too much traffic is being shoved through them. Its generally not necessary, not in 2018, to keep checked.
Maximum connections per torrent: This should be anywhere between 10/20. Unless a group of seeding torrents is exceedingly popular, this isn't worth setting to a high value. Keep in mind how many you will be seeding at a time when setting this number. Torrents in high demand can overload your upload speed if this number is set too high, monopolizing your available list of connections for themselves and breaking the connection to the tracker.
Maximum upload slots per torrent/download upload limits per torrent:: You should generally allocate half to a quarter of the slots you set in "Global" maximum upload slots here. This ensures your torrent is available to others, but that you leave space for other torrents to be shared as well. This rule should be the same for your upload/download limitations per torrent. half to a quarter of what you set under global for each, so that other torrents can enjoy good upload/download speeds too.