Where did my bonus points go ?
Hello all -
Can someone please tell me what happened to my bnus points ? They just seemingly disappeared .
Thank you ,
Wes -
Can someone please tell me what happened to my bnus points ? They just seemingly disappeared .
First of all what did you do ... ???
3 main reason :
- you exchange your Seeder-Bonus here - https://www.gaytor.rent/getbonus.php
- you accidentally give bonus points by saying thank you and give [-----] points ...
- you accidentally make this torrent freeleech for ---- hrs ...
unfortunately there is nothing you can do once is used by mistake [non refund] ...
To earn Seed Bonus Point :
- Seed a torrent to earn .5 points for every hour. - https://www.gaytor.rent/faq.php#266
- the system is registering you as a seeder 0.5 points.
- If you upload a new torrent, you might get rewarded by other users with seedbonus.
- Upload missing/extra torrent pictures and get for each pic 1 Point extra! [max 20 image]
- search for duplicate files [exclude dead] and report, to earn 50 points ...
- Show torrents not yet voted - https://www.gaytor.rent/browse.php?vote
Feel free to ask helpdesk : https://www.gaytor.rent/helpdesk.php
Exchanging bonus points for traffic is the main reason for this member
@kalayaan ... That's what I thought of ...