Troubleshoot a stagnant ratio
Okay, I am going to sound like a total idiot, and I want to share porn (I can think of no greater gift one could give the world ;D) but I've never understood all the technical aspects.
My relevant stats are below, but basically, I think maybe a while ago I uploaded a LOT, but then at some point I stopped (probably my fault!) and then I slowly ate away at my uploaded credit until we reached the sad point where I can no longer download.
My torrent client (uTorrentPro 3.5) says I am seeding 272 files (at ~500kb/s). My user page here says 309 by the up arrow and 0 by the down (that number fluctuates a lot). But I don't think my ratio has changed in quite some time.
Any ideas for how to start uploading as much as I can, ASAP? Or fixing my settings so that I get credit?
Uploaded 5.36 TB [Daily: 5.52 GB]
Downloaded 7.09 TB [Daily: 7.31 GB]
Share ratio 0.756
Current minimum Ratio 0.800
Amount to Seed 318.82 GB -
My torrent client (uTorrentPro 3.5) says I am seeding 272 files (at ~500kb/s). My user page here says 309 by the up arrow and 0 by the down (that number fluctuates a lot). But I don't think my ratio has changed in quite some time.
Any ideas for how to start uploading as much as I can, ASAP? Or fixing my settings so that I get credit?
Uploaded 5.36 TB [Daily: 5.52 GB]
Downloaded 7.09 TB [Daily: 7.31 GB]
Share ratio 0.756
Current minimum Ratio 0.800
Amount to Seed 318.82 GBI'm afraid I've got bad news for you.
The problem here is the massive numbers you are working with.
7.09 TB = 7090 Gb downloadedTo get a ratio of 1, you will have to upload 7.09 - 5.36 = 1.73 Tb (1073 Gb) which is an immense number, especially when you are uploading at the rate of 5.5 Gb per day = 195 days to make up the difference
To put it in another way, to change your ratio to 0.8 minimum, you will have to upload 7.09 x 0.8 = 5.672 - 5.36 =0.312 which means 312 gb
at average 5.5 gb per day = 56 days to get to a ratio of 0.8This should show you why your ratio is changing so slowly. Its simply a factor of the huge numbers, as i mentioned above.
I am not sure how you can speed this up, since your upload speeds depend on
- your upload speed limits
- Leecher's download speed limits (people have much slower internets abroad)
- Popularity of the torrent (freeleech torrents upload much faster as long as they are freeleech and plenty of people are downloading them. The speed drops very dramatically once they stop being freeleach.
Perhaps some others might have suggestions.
I see that you have a good upload speed…
I'm about to help you by going through the torrents that you have in your profile and putting 156 hours on some of them (mostly the unpopular ones). This should help you to get that in check a little faster, as it usually brings a lot of traffic to these torrents. Please check your downloaded torrent list carefully.
you have an awesome upload speed! i envy you, you know!! i can barely seed anything!! have a little patience and you will be good!