Unsolved HUMONGOUS COCK BODYBUILDER floating around on Twitter.
The only clue I've got is that:
It's definitely made earlier than Dec 8 2020. That's the earliest twitter post I've found with it.Using Google and Yandex reverse image search there were two DMCA complaints made about it. One on Google, and one on BoyFriendTV.com. The one on Google was sent by MG Premium Ltd., and said that originally it was found on either www.men.com, www.transangels.com, www.seancody.com, www.bigstr.com, www.realitydudes.com or www.whynotbi.com. I'm leaning on it being a Czech amateur video from bigstr because of this. The one made to BoyFriendTV.com can't be accessed as far as I know (https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/722621/curved-dicks/?ct=1--1642962968).
Link to the DMCA notice: https://lumendatabase.org/notices/30103926.
Full text to the (more than 4000 lines!) DMCA notice, in case you don't want to give Lumen your email: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I3LOfBsaT7uWAPI3VYyI5jZBSTs_LXtD/view