Upload failed!
As of today 04/20/2022, I found a bug/glitch from https://www.gaytorrent.ru/doupload.php [old domain/https://www.gaytorrent.ru/]
while I was uploading and replicate the image/thumbnails twice, w/c I deleted all the duplicate to avoid picture spam after posting ...
Luckily @ second chance trying, it works and succeeded ...INTRODUCING eek !!! ...
@john32123666 : I've seen that twice in the past 24 hours. Both times, I refreshed the browser page and the upload then succeeded. I think it's another manifestation of the site's current problems.
I hate "EEK" so much lol. Been happening to me for weeks as well as my images upload totally randomly. Some upload double or triple while other never make it. But thinking we just have to make the best of it for now. Whatever the problem is i'm sure they are busting their asses off to fix it. No doubt it's a complicated matter. But once again... I hate "EEK" like the plague!
We are working on fixing this I promise.
If you end up uploading a torrent with duplicates, just open a helpdesk ticket and a moderator can remove the dupes. (I honestly don't know if users can remove their own pictures, if they can, disregard what I said)
DandyLion -
@DandyLion ok great to hear! i thought it was just me.
No, it's not just you. For one, it takes me forever to provide the information as I'm detail-oriented and I take screenshots as well. When it takes well over 45 minutes to try to upload one torrent and I can't do it, then I give up.
this should be fixed by now