How do you give seedbonus points to reseeders?
@jamessurtees said: Just wondering when you ask for a reseed and the kind folks here take the time to do that. How do you then know who has reseeded for you and then be able to give them some of your seedbonus points?
There normally is no way to know, and not all reseeders have uploaded torrents for which SPB can be thanked/awarded onto. One of your better options may be to add SPB with your Thanks onto torrents that you download and/or enjoy.
If you know specifically who reseeded a torrent or filled a request, that person can let you know the torrents they uploaded, and you are welcome to award SPB onto one of those.
@ricky ok, thanks. I don't know why my original post got deleted but thanks for your answer.
Welcome @jamessurtees! It was not deleted, it somehow did not make it all the way through after the Title - perhaps a wee glitch. Your original post is on your profile, though!
Happy Torrenting!