Uploading with QTM failed
Hello, since a while my qtm uploaded failed. A the end of upload here is qtm:
followed by:
Does anyone, please, can help me ?
Regards. -
@paul1479 Please DO NOT create torrents with following symbols in torrent name: / \ " ' _ , ! These torrents will have problems with seeding on tracker!
https://www.gaytorrent.ru/doupload.phpTry renaming those torrent w/o the following symbols as mention above...Remove or delete the torrent you created [not the file] and create a new one and try again...
If it doesn't work, try manual upload page...
https://www.gaytorrent.ru/upload.phpIf it doesn't help the issue ask helpdesk: https://www.gaytorrent.ru/helpdesk.php
First of all, thank you for your answer.I am going to try what you advise. Rgds.