Downloading from Onlyfans
Hi, Everyone!
Does anyone have a reliable way to download videos from Onlyfans on a MAC?
Thanks –
I came here to ask the same question.
Before I sign up, I'm curious if jdownloader2 will download videos or if I have to use the screen record function on quicktime.
Anyone know a way to just download?
Late but better than never: the videos just play as inline HTML mp4 videos, so you can just look at the source code to get the raw links to download them.
Great news. Went to an OnlyFans site and found .mp4 files to download that way, but the page itself kept getting longer and longer as I scrolled down, and as it happened, the source code did not seem to go along with the plan and only showed the same top items, so still hoping. Someone said QuickTime could capture streaming vids. Will investigate this download topic further.
You need to go into each file seperately. Right click on the date of the file and open it in a new window. Then look for the .mp4 file under view page source.
Thanks for that info juicyapples.
I am now trying to figure out which video converter to use for iMac.
The OnlyFans downloader extension for Chrome will do it
So, how to download a video from Onlyfans? The Onlyfans downloader doesn't work anymore.