Breaking News, 20 April 2016
… um... Freaking News. For the date vipers in the US write as 4/20 every year at this time. And at other times. Comes from the code 420 used by high school students in northern California a few years ago to indicate the afterschool time they would meet and smoke together.
Here's How Many People Have Fatally Overdosed On Marijuana
.htmlNot that marijuana has no dangers. If you drop a brick of it on someone from
a great enough distance, that can definitely do the trick.I almost said if you drop that weight on someone from "high enough," but
then realized I'd have to specify the reference is to distance, as in feet,
not some other type of measurement for which there is no name. "Joules"
suggest themselves, and even "calories," but the former might
cause unnecessary confusion and the latter would be based on something like
cookie consumption rather than on some more specific metric.What would you think of counting such a thing in Timmys? Named after the
late ex-Harvard prof, such units would be far more useful than "stoned" v
"unstoned," or the almsot equally broad borrowed terminology used at
Millbrook in certain circumstances– First and Second Bardo.See, this degree of enhanced cookie and music appreciation is a basic ten
Timmys. Small doses of what Al Hoffman called his "problem child" might be
calculated in kilotims (Ktims) for blotter levels of inner space
exploration. For the normal, now old-fashioned trip-level megadoses that
powered the cultural transformation of the 1960s, perhaps megatims (Mtims)
would be useful.Dr. Al, btw, is also responsible for isolating and naming the ingreditent
that makes "magic" mushrooms what Sinatra, in an entirely different and more
mundane context, called "a kick in the head." Granted it takes ten times as
much psylocybin compared with the ergot derivative, Ktims might be
appropriate there. Or, since the bicycle-riding Swiss chemist probably used
metric terminology, the effective doeses for shrooms might be counted in
Hoffmans, with some conversion between Hoffmans and Timmys to be worked out
later.DMT would perhaps be calculated in terms of Mtims, though an argument can be
made for yet another scale, perhaps the Terry, after the late botany
enthusiast. Think that would be preferable to appropriating the name of Rick
Strassman, whose noble and reality challenging research is ongoing and might
be impeded by having the name of a living researcher used.Or perhaps all these potential terms can simply be replaced by the Sasha, in
honor of Kindly Dr. Shulgin. Since he is also the person behind the spread
of MDMA (which he did not invent but promoted primarily for therapeutic
uses, not raves or pickups at singles bars, the Sasha would presumably need
some definition that would work across various types of cosmic chemical
enhancements based on such factors as their emotional impacts and quality of
resulting insight.Or maybe there is no way to correlate the power/pleasure of psychdelics,
which effectively reach from stoned to infinity, with Ecstasy/Molly.Obviously more research will be needed.
Well, I guess it's true, Mariuhana is being made stronger and stronger and much less potent years ago.
If the states like France or any other country made it legal, they could control, how strong it is.
Yes, I know it's not very logical what I write since the article is about states where M. is legal already but I hope you get what I mean.
I don't mind weed at all, it is a good relaxant for me personally, but anything in excess is not a good thing so…