Flash Season 5
Has anyone watched the new episodes? What do you think?
I'd gotten a little tired of the series, but I'm hooked (enough) again.
It's been consistent, I'll give it that. The Thinker was a tough antagonist to try on-screen, so maybe that was some of the trouble last season. They underplayed The Engineer, as far as I was concerned, and Kim Englebrecht is a damned fine actor. Hope she's around again.
With Cicada, they're providing just enough back-story tease instead of endless exposition clips as they did with The Thinker. Chris Klein is pulling it off, so far - and I hadn't really thought about him playing the menacing revenger type.
Several of the younger actors are coming more into their own. Candice Patton, in particular, I feel deserves recognition for growth in her craft. Out of the gate, she seemed almost out of place. Maybe some of it was the writing, but her character seemed stiff early on. Forced in some places and either/or in others as if she had two modes: wide-eyed horror and wide-eyed awe. Definitely more range and depth now.
I'll stick with it. ~R.
the memes about a new speedster EVERY season is legit though