Dreamy Photo Series Explores The Fragile Complexity Of Masculinity
The above subject line is verbatim from what I call the Clickbait Gazette (Huffpoo), at hXXp://tinyurl.com/h7xcdq2
They go running on about the soft side of men, yadda yadda, but the photos themselves are often awfully sweet. More than
once I found myself studying one of the subjects, thinking of the innocence of ignorant youth ("Only the young die good.")
and their knowledge and experience of their bodies, sex, love, lust, and longing.Who are these people? What do they do when hanging out with friends? What are their prospects, the probable vagueness
of their barely formulated dreams?Even some of these young manboys are no longer virgins, may even be sexually active on a regular basis. Not the way it
was for me, nor for most of my friends, but then we were all busy shoveling dinosaur poop from blocking access to our
caves, so….Turns out, recent polls, studies, surveys, and reports say that today's youth tend to be much more sexually flexible, or
at least willing to claim they are open to a much wider array of encounters than any "real" man would admit even to
thinking about, back in the day. They may not actually experiment, or at least may not yet have done so, but they do
admit to a curiosity and openness that at least mitigates against bullying, bigotry, and judgmentalism among the doomed
youth whose world is collapsing around them right along with the planet itself.Thus, someone like Josh Hutcherson from Hunger Games mentions having a gay uncle and being unwilling to label himself
as strait because... shift happens. No one even blinks. And why should they, when it's all just words and fanboy fantasies.
Getting to the point where every horned up dude proudly (drunkenly?) displays his naked boner selfies, bare male butts
are all over even American television and homemade fuck tapes by females famous for sluttiness make reputations and
cash for the untalented.Major shift in behavior all around, and that's a Good Thing. Why, it's even possible for Big Name Male Stars to play gay
on television, film, and stage. perhaps even vigorously simulating sex for the director's camera.Anyway, I look at these people and wonder. Maybe I am the only one who even tears up thinking about their lives, their
joys and sorrows and whatever will become of them.In possibly related news, millennials do not seem interested in unanswered prayers or severe commitment to popular
And a week or so ago, nagonna look it up, a similar article explained why they were not being evangelical enthusiasts. Hint:
At least for USanians, the hateful shrieking bigotry and oppression fostered by Mrs. Grundy's tax-free division of a certain
political party of nullification, destruction, plutocracy, and war. You know, the people who have been claiming the Roman Pope
is the Antichrist and that empathy and compassion are satanic codewords for liberalism....Not making any of that up, in case you were wondering and want to go groping around online to find out the awful truth.
Never mind all that. (Now you tell me!) Just look at the images. Maybe even look at the associated Masculinities slide show.
My favorite: “To be masculine is to dominate in one’s field of study.”"Boys. School showers and swimming pools are full of them." -- William Burroughs
pornofan, thanks for your thoughts.
In passing there is no need to use hXXp any more - the site has a redirection now