Do you think I could be in porn?
Do you think I could do porn? I only want to bottom and I like older guys. I turned 18 in February
anyone can do porn these days so yes.
Possibly, but in very specialized ones like Bilatinmen or something.
Why? Armond Rizzo is like a superstar and he´s latino
I think you look really, really hot and I wouldn't mind seeing you in porn.
That being said, keep in mind that porn has a history of ruining opportunities due to the stigma attached to it.
So do your homework. Learn as much as you can about it and think long and hard about it before rushing into anything. Remember that if you sign up with a studio, they'll decide who to pair you up with.So long as you're aware of the risks and potential consequences, I say choose whatever gives you the freedom to be you. Even if that means going into porn. But ignore everything that I've said if none of it makes sense to you. If you have enough self-confidence and enough faith in your ability to handle the future that comes associated with porn, I say live your life.
But remember this….
It's your body and your life, so never ever forget to treat them with respect and dignity since you only get one. Cherish them both deeply.
Sorry for the rant/essay
Peace out -
Why not?
Yeah , nice ass man