What are the most homoerotic Thunder's Arena matches?
I typically have an aversion to Thunder's Arena matches just because they're very… fake and staged; and that's not a problem for me with UCW and a lot of BG East matches because there's still some homoeroticism. The only TA match I've seen so far that has that is Cameron Matthews vs Brendan Cage - but even in that match, it was very little (just a bunch of cock rubbing against Cameron's ass).
Are there any other matches that are explicitly homoerotic? I'm talking balls in face, dry humping, real ball squeezing etc.
Bear vs Logan is pretty darn homoerotic. It is in kind of poor taste in this day and age.
Thanks a lot for replying!
Is this the scene you were talking about? And why do you describe it as "in bad taste"? (Just wondering!)
Kratos is extremely hot but he has done very few matches :(. He has an amazing studly body and a hot attitude. I love his match with Kid Titan where he throws him around like a rag doll. I wish I could find his full match with specimen which looks like it could be hot.
Another match which was inadvertantly homoerotic was Johnny Bravo vs Specimen. Where Johnny gets a big boner half way through the match.