Favorite color of sock?
i like white
tricky! i wear black for the most part, but white are real pretty.
orange socks
Glowing ex. yellow or orange sport socks :).
My favorite color of anything is black, the blackest you can get. And don't let any tell you that black is not a color. Ask any artist. But blue is nice also
BTW, getting the blackest you can get is a bit of a trick and diffictult to boot. They are still finding new ones. And, yes a black hole would almost be the ultimate black, but still there's radiation … and I should really just quit this now, shouldn't I?
black for the most part.. or grey.
Black dress socks or white sport socks
Black dress sock is my God of fantasy
mostly white, but sometimes balck
definitely white sportsocks and second place black sportsocks
black sox :love:
black. plain black.
white sport
mostly white
definitely white
Ankle length grey socks (mostly)
something bright.. yellow/orange/red