Some seedbox issues I'd fixed.
One of my raspberry pi execution cluster nodes is an NFS share + deluge-web and deluged daemon to function as a seedbox. I logged in to check my ratio and noticed it had straight tanked to 0.799. So I got in through Putty and was checking log files. I found deluge throwing up Permission Denied errors, so I checked my nfs share. I have it auto-fstab mounting at boot. But I oh so conveniently, stupidly didn't set the mount point to mount as my user's uid, gid, meaning when I copied the files over from the qbittorrent seedbox in data migration, deluged could not read my ./Torrents/completed subdirectory and started redownloading every torrent I have ever started seeding because of Permission Denied problems.
This is bad. If you've ever managed a seedbox or migrated, this is very, very ratio killing..
I fixed the fstab mount:
/dev/sda1 /media/SHARED exfat rw,noauto,users,uid=1000,gid=1000,permissions,locale=en_US.UTF-8,windows_names 0 0
double-checked the ownership on reboot:
loopyd@loopyd-rmtp:/media/SHARED/home/lupine/Downloads/torrents$ ls -l total 1280 drwxrwxrwx 1 loopyd loopyd 262144 Sep 27 04:19 backups drwxrwxrwx 1 loopyd loopyd 262144 Sep 27 04:38 complete drwxrwxrwx 1 loopyd loopyd 262144 Sep 19 03:10 downloading drwxrwxrwx 1 loopyd loopyd 262144 Sep 19 00:04 temp drwxrwxrwx 1 loopyd loopyd 262144 Sep 27 04:30 watch
So now everything is able to be accessed by deluge. But I need a ratio reset. This misconfiguration is embarrassing. I've been here several years doing this, and now not even Power User because apparently I can't fstab to save my life. :-[
The best I can do for you was to put some of the torrents that you are seeding on freeleech. This should help to encourage users to download these files, which in turn, should help you see some upload traffic to help restore your ratio.
Thanks so much! I'd already spoken in PM to you about this but thanks again! 0.1 recovery in one day even, with my download, that is near around 10 GB in 24 hours!
:cheers: :cool2:S P E C T A C U L A R:cheers: