Best download manager?
Hi guys. I just joined HelixStudios for a month (its discounted at the moment), and I'm trying to download as much as I can from the site. Its a big task, and I'm trying to use a download manager to handle it all. I've been trying with Free Download Manager (, but keep running into issues.
I add about a dozen or so files at a time to the manager, but I keep coming back to it to find lots of files getting a 404 response. I add them again and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.
Does anyone have any tips or better software to try? I don't want to download the files through Windows without using some sort of manager or I'll be stuck at my PC for the next month constantly clicking on download links, as I don't really want to run more than 3 or 4 simultaneous downloads.
P.S. I'm trying to grab the files from the download links, NOT capture streaming video, so that I can get them at full resolution.
Have you by chance tried Go!Zilla by any chance?
I'm using Internet Download Manager –-> this is the latest (pirated) version you can download:
In order to download it, under "Download links IDM 6.27 bulid 5" click on Internet Download Manager IDM 6.27 build 5 + Patch (32bit + 64bit Patch).zip - Fake Serial Problem Fixed | 9.80 MB
It downloads files very quickly, I think you'll be thrilled with it, I definitely am!
After you download IDM, you'll have to crack it (hope you know how to do that, it's very simple –-> if you don't, you have only 2 simple instructions to do which you can find in .readme file).
And btw there are no viruses in there (even if your antivirus warns you of virus, malware, etc... you should just put it to Whitelist in your antivirus or disable your antivirus untill you install your IDM).
I'm installing new (updated) versions all the time and have never encountered any virus, malware or anything... my computer functions the same as always so you really don't have to worry about any kind of threat!
If you're still afraid to download it, you can see that there are 269 votes from people who rated this IDM with 4,5/5 stars and you can find many Comments below the article where you can see what people are saying. So this should probably make you feel more safe, secure & reliefed about downloading it!
You also need to know that when you get notified of "new updates" you should never install new updates cause then your IDM will be in "trial version"… So if you want an updated version of IDM, you need to uninstall your current IDM and then go to, find an updated version, download it and just install it and crack it again.
When you open your IDM, you'll see few Tabs (Tasks, File, Downloads, View, Help & Cracked by) so now you should click on
Downloads –-> Options ---> Connection ---> Under "Connection Type/Speed" choose what you're using ---> Under "Max. connections number" choose whatever you prefer, just don't choose 32 cause it might cause your download to be slower or some other issue! -
In your Internet Browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, etc.) you'll have installed an IDM extension, so if you're using your Internet Browser in "Private (Incognito) mode" then you should go to Extensions and check "Allow in Incognito" box so that IDM works for you in Private (Incognito) mode aswell!
Sometimes after installing IDM, it happens that IDM extension is missing in your Internet Browser - if that's the case, you just need to follow these simple steps:
So IDM is definitely my recommendation for you, I'm using it all the time so I enjoyed explaining you all of this!
If there are any questions you'd like to ask me about IDM, feel free to ask them and I'll answer them as best as I can.
Hope this helps!
I use free not pirated and not unsecure stuff like Download accelerator : Downthemall : it's very effective and many options to manage files : works with firefox and clones and of course it's open source.