"The person below me" game.
Do you mean drawing or drowning? If yes, then both are yes.
If drawning as in the urban slang, then… I'm not so sure. Well, no, I guess?
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=DrawningTPBM thinks the world is ending very soon
the person below me has been to jail -
No. But I have been written up and detained by the police many times.
TPBM has siblings.
Oh yes!
Tpbm has a dog right now! -
Nope! Cats all the way! (i want a cat! :crazy2:)
The person below me is listening to the radio right now
Nope! Cats all the way! (i want a cat! :crazy2:)
The person below me is listening to the radio right now
Nah! i dont do that … there is no good programs right now.
Tpbm is bad at sports! -
well, yes, but i am trying to change that. (slacklining, cycling, ice skating)
tpbm spends too much time watching netflif - or equivalents.
At least an hour or two a day, yes.
TPBM doesn't own a television (like me, :laugh).
At least an hour or two a day, yes.
TPBM doesn't own a television (like me, :laugh).
Yes! i dont
! i download everything i need XD
TPBM has done amateur porn and shared it
::) I wish :cheers: so no
TPBM is thinking of making his/her own Porn Studio, although it will always be illegal where they live…
the person below me takes a shower every day -
TPBM listens to porn soundtracks on the subway
tpbm is a member of a political party.
tpbm is a member of a political party.
hell to the no.
Tpbm has used a dress at least once.
What dress? I'm just gonna answer "no" for convenience.
TPBM owns a pair of stilettos (the heels)!
I don't. I like to crossdress though.
TPBM likes to daydream.
yeah i love to do so!
The person below me can sing really well
Depends on your criteria of 'really well'… but in amateur level, yes I do
TPBM can dance more than 3 kinds of style (like tango, salsa, etc)!
Depends on your criteria of 'really well'… but in amateur level, yes I do
TPBM can dance more than 3 kinds of style (like tango, salsa, etc)!
Robot, broken robot, arrhythmic robot AND low battery robot.
TPBM has a photo of his cock/ass somewhere in the internet xD
yes. and possible a video too
TPBM has had sex outdoors