What cam recorder to capture good home video recording?
Planning to buy a handy cam recorder which can record good video quality at home for long hours. Any suggestion?
You'll need to be a little more specific about requirements, especially price range.
I'm looking for video recorder which is small, handy, capture good quality of video even in dim light, able to record long hours. I have been using iPhone to record video, but the problem is that I need to hold it all times during recording. I would appreciate much if some of you could share your video recording experience and let me know good recorder you have been using so far.
The Logitech c920 is a great webcam. It works well in low light.
The Logitech c920 webcam is great. Thanks for your suggestion Aadam101.
The Logitech Broadcaster which work wirelessly looks awesome to me! Just wonder if it's compatible with the latest iOS and MacBook, since it was produced few years ago.