More forum spamming
Two members have been responsible for nearly 200 messages in the forums in the past few hours.
Completely screws the Recent posts pages. At the moment it goes back about three hours.
There are other ways to earn points to get your download rights restored.
And one of the two brought up a thread that was 2 years old. They must have been really hard up. No Pun. :crazy2:
One has his downloaded disabled (and his PMs), the other is nearly below his ratio
simmer down now…I was going through old forum posts like surfing cable channels today...never done it before. apologies.
And now the OTHER one has posted 160 posts in the last hour and the Recent Posts page goes back no further than 40 minutes ago
As he has set his settings so I can't reach him, how do we get him to stop
I woke up to bluefeathers everywhere. Cat must have gotten into the hen house again. :crazy2:
How do we get this madman to stop. That is over 100 new messages in the last hour!!
Are there no moderators around ?
Well I made it back 90 minutes in 'Recent Posts' before I ran out of pages.
At least I see he has used his seed bonus points to get his download rights back. Perhaps that is the last we see of him. He should still get a slap from a staff member, I think.
I did reply in one of those, not knowing it was 2 years ago and now I can't delete that one post, My bad in not looking at the date when it was first posted
eastonkellon, how were you to know that someone was replying to every thread in that forum just to get enough bonus points so he could download porn again.
I hope he manages his account better from now so that we never see him in the forums again
Thank you 4 that cannonmc, I did notice the d8 only when I almost reply to the one hello from the Philippines
Lately, the "Jokes & Funny Stuff" sector became a heaven for spammers. They digged up a post from years ago and commented with only one smiling icon. Some other guys didn't used icon, they just typed "haha" and traded it for one bonus point.
That's a very fast and rude way to get 10GB uploading. -
tranxuan, The Jokes forum seems to have calmed down a bit.
But check out the Introductions
The worst offender there did get enough points to get his download back but I also see he has been stopped from posting in the forums.
I haven't visited that sector yet. It's like a ocean full of spammer
Well! It depends on the decision of the website owner,these guys will never change unless we show them some action so let pretend we don't see them for a while.
I just hope after taking back the downloading ability, they will learn how to keep seeding to maintain their ration, not to boom our forum with 600 posts again. -
tranxuan, that was my same thought when I saw he'd got his rights back. But then with a bit of luck he is so selfish he won't want the forum again
There are so many ways to have a good ratio and I don't believe that spamming the forum is one of them
There are so many ways to have a good ratio and I don't believe that spamming the forum is one of them
But it's the fastest one. You can bombed 600 emoji posts in order to exchang for 10GB uploading in just 2 or 3 days :afr2: :afr2: and the points were added instantly without checking.
I wish all the best things for his keyboard, so it can type another 600 sh!t posts when its owner need ^^. -
Although perhaps the fastest way is to find an original movie and upload it, and continue seeding
Added to that, one can dl a freeleech with many leechers and longer freeleech time
I've seen this guy and I've noticed he's been muted by a moderator. But imo people like these should be banned right away…