Putting Your Cat on a Diet Might Make it More Affectionate | Mental Floss http:/
Putting Your Cat on a Diet Might Make it More Affectionate | Mental Floss
http://mentalfloss.com/article/75616/putting-your-cat-diet-might-make-it-more-affectionate -
I swear, I first read this as "putting your car on a diet …" which, of course sounded kind of interesting
But, really, it is a no-brainer that a cat will pester the food provider when it is hungry. Which we pretty much take as affection as opposed to say, a dog's annoying bark at you. My cats will take walks with me, as long as there aren't to many people or things to be wary of. Then they'll wait til I come back. Now that I consider a bit closer to affection.
yes I used to live as a child in the country and my cat would follow us like a dog when we went for walk in the fields. if we went too far he would stop and meow like asking us to come back
Does it work? Really?