Tips for discreetly checking people out in public.
I catch public transport into the heart of Melbourne CBD. At times, I can be blown away by some of the guys I see. I'm often able to subtly check out bulges in peripheral vision.
What are some common things you do when checking guys out in public.
I have some fun with my sunglasses
I look down at my phone and make it seem like im using it while checking guys out. i suppose you could use this in conjunction with sunglasses.
tying shoe-laces is a great way to get down at eye level then make sure you're looking in the right direction when you stand back up.
Quite often in public transport, I pretend to look at men's shoes and then take a quick look at their crotches.
I look for a reflective surface such as a store window or a mirror and check out guys who don't realize it because I am 180 degrees in the opposite direction.
I plan to look his direction some way naturally: checking what's behind him in the window
simply looking around to everybody, including him.
I love people watching and seeing a hot bearded man. My favorite thing to do is photograph them discreetly so I can show my friends and have a memory. This one time, this guy's girlfriend moved out of the way and I got the perfect picture of her musclebear boyfriend. I guess I am good at stealth since she thought I was taking a picture of what was behind her and not beside her. :fap:
San Francisco has so many hot bearded beefy men who might look gay (wishful thinking) rs but end up being straight.
great tips.